Statistics Norway

8 Building work started. Average utility floor space per dwelling unit and in different types of building. m2. 2000-2009
  Total In buildings with at least 50 per cent utility floor space to dwellings In buildings with less than
50 per cent utility floor space to dwellings
  Detached house House with two dwelling Row house, linked house and
house with 3 or 4 dwellings
Multi-dwelling building Residence for communities
2000  124  163  115  102 87 63 77
2001  118  163  120  103 83 69 68
2002  115  162  119 97 83 50 72
2003  109  163  113 94 79 57 66
2004  100  163  113 92 70 48 85
2005  104  166  114 90 72 51 69
2006  103  171  116 93 73 52 74
2007  107  172  119 97 74 38 82
2008  115  171  118  101 76 54 76
2009  127  174  119 98 77 41 88

Explanation of symbols