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215 Persons 15 years1 and over, by economic activity and industry
  1930 1946 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2001 2011
Persons 15 years and over 2 012 645 2 441 884 2 478 882 2 663 081 2 873 114 3 134 528 3 393 833 3 568 309 4 056 189
Economically active persons2, 3 1 163 007 1 368 421 1 388 144 1 406 358 1 462 159 1 453 783 1 467 546 1 797 676 1 857 254
Agriculture  303 975  295 314  250 455  188 431  130 833 91 406 66 264 45 084 29 506
Forestry and hunting 32 136 38 434 39 595 31 153 11 773 5 360 7 891 4 616 3 935
Fishing 80 814 72 777 69 525 54 535 27 413 16 908 13 960 16 128 13 366
Oil extraction, mining and quarrying 13 770 8 896 9 331 9 072 9 350 9 341 21 364 30 775 53 881
Manufacturing  215 350  304 315  357 689  358 224  390 906  338 963  281 306  268 929  238 350
Construction 72 400  122 017  128 631  133 236  129 125  127 875  126 494  131 103  172 804
Electricity, gas and water supply 6 928 10 277 11 029 12 817 15 847 15 381 18 945 15 517 15 572
Wholesale and retail trade  113 692  122 752  132 342  163 529  198 549  210 216  199 353  217 759  207 472
Financial institutions and dwelling services 8 778 13 281 17 365 23 285 33 541 43 991 59 325 61 497 83 637
Water transport 51 477 55 860 65 634 84 977 67 311 40 387 24 712 23 745 23 675
Other transport and communication work 44 697 74 813 74 631 82 487 89 613  100 162  104 370  119 763  107 844
Public administration and defence 15 367 42 016 39 867 53 978 88 050  116 675  113 029  159 793  147 922
Community and private services 56 386 86 714 96 114  130 301  209 824  287 050  381 682  637 168  695 394
Personal and household services  143 232  107 920 88 474 75 068 57 109 39 790 48 851 55 666 55 988
Unknown industry 4 005 13 035 7 462 5 265 2 915 10 278 - 10 133 7 908
Not economically active persons  848 678 1 065 383 1 085 190 1 256 723 1 410 955 1 680 745 1 926 287 1 770 633 2 198 935
Unknown  960 8 080 5 548 - - - - - -
1  For 1970-2001, 16 years and over.
2  For 2011 persons working 30 hours or more per week, for 1980, 1990 and 2001 persons working at least 1 000 hours per year. There is a good correlation between working at least 1 000 hours per year and having a main occupation as the main source of livelihood, a term used in earlier censuses.
3  For 2001, persons 16-74 years.
Source: Population censuses, Statistics Norway.
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