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207 Employed persons, by full-time/part-time and sex. 2012. 1 000, per cent and average contractual/usual hours per week
  Total Per cent Average contractual/usual hours per week
Total1 2 591  100.0 34.3
Full-time 1 898 73.3 39.5
Long part-time  372 14.4 27.3
Short part-time  311 12.0 11.2
Men, total1 1 367  100.0 36.8
Full-time 1 171 85.7 40.0
Long part-time 87 6.4 26.7
Short part-time  106 7.8 10.6
Women, total1 1 224  100.0 31.5
Full-time  727 59.4 38.7
Long part-time  286 23.4 27.5
Short part-time  206 16.8 11.5
1  Includes unspecified.
Source: Labour force surveys, Statistics Norway.
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