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189 Wealth and taxes for resident persons 17 years and older. Average NOK
  2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Taxable gross wealth  464 500  552 100  614 900  650 400  693 600  798 600  829 400
Taxable gross financial capital  283 000  332 300  379 300  390 500  415 900  437 500  444 900
Bank deposits  143 200  156 100  169 800  181 900  186 100  193 800  206 900
Taxable real capital  181 500  219 800  235 600  259 900  277 800  361 100  384 500
Real properties  138 600  175 000  189 500  212 100  231 300  314 000  336 900
Taxable value of own residence1 99 000  125 000  138 200  155 400  175 300  267 600  289 900
Debt  412 600  441 400  485 200  515 200  537 700  565 200  597 800
Taxable net wealth 51 900  110 700  129 700  135 800  155 900  233 300  231 600
Total wealth taxes 2 400 2 600 3 100 3 000 3 100 3 100 3 200
Wealth tax, municipality tax assessment 1 600 1 800 2 100 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000
Wealth tax, state tax assessment  800  900 1 000 1 100 1 100 1 100 1 200
Number of persons 17 years and older 3 607 800 3 647 395 3 702 232 3 760 372 3 813 425 3 870 146 3 932 250
1  The increase in taxable value of residential property observed between 2009 and 2010 is mainly due to a new calculation method introduced in 2010.
Source: Tax statistics, persons, Statistics Norway.
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