Statistics Norway

Upper secondary education

1 Completed educational programmes in upper secondary education, by gender and results - school year 2007/08
Educational programmes Total Completed Percentage completed Total, men Percentage completed, men Total, women Percentage completed, women
Upper secondary education1 278 867 63 100 80.0 37 013 80.7 41 854 79.4
Upper secondary education, advanced course II/certificate 57 579 43 332 75.3 22 037 72.2 35 542 77.2
General, economics and management studies 40 275 29 634 73.6 17 104 71.2 23 171 75.3
Music, dance and drama 1 998 1 773 88.7  606 85.1 1 392 90.3
Sports and physical studies 3 469 2 852 82.2 2 032 78.4 1 437 87.5
Health and social studies 6 515 5 130 78.7  486 68.5 6 029 79.6
Agriculture, fishing and forestry 1 026  696 67.8  386 62.7  640 70.9
Arts, crafts and designs 2 273 1 579 69.5  376 57.2 1 897 71.9
Technical building trades  137  105 76.6 92 76.1 45 77.8
Electrical trades 24 19 79.2 24 79.2 - -
Media and communication 1 862 1 544 82.9  931 79.1  931 86.8
Completed apprenticeship examinations 21 288 19 768 92.9 14 976 93.2 6 312 92.1
General, economics and management studies  360  348 96.7  345 96.8 15 93.3
Health and social studies 3 144 2 896 92.1  532 90.2 2 612 92.5
Agriculture, fishing and forestry  357  337 94.4  241 94.2  116 94.8
Arts, crafts and designs 1 171  997 85.1 52 80.8 1 119 85.3
Hotel and food processing trades 1 627 1 486 91.3  777 90.7  850 91.9
Building and construction trades 3 741 3 491 93.3 3 707 93.3 34 91.2
Technical building trades 1 143  979 85.7 1 094 85.3 49 93.9
Electrical trades 2 908 2 732 93.9 2 799 94.0  109 93.6
Engineering and mechanical trades 5 103 4 844 94.9 4 748 94.7  355 97.5
Chemical and processing trades  144  140 97.2 95 95.8 49  100.0
Woodworking trades  196  186 94.9  165 95.2 31 93.5
Media and communication  171  160 93.6 97 94.8 74 91.9
Sales and service 1 223 1 172 95.8  324 93.5  899 96.7
Tertiary vocational education 3 012 2 314 76.8 2 157 73.8  855 84.6
Folk high schools 6 198 5 915 95.4 2 345 95.4 3 853 95.5
Employment training 19 280 14 677 76.1 9 497 73.6 9 783 78.5
Other upper secondary educational programmes 6 267 5 536 88.3 2 771 88.6 3 496 88.1
1  Completed education means achieved general, vocational certificate or requirements for admission to tertiary education.
2  All pupils registered at Upper Secondary Advanced course per 1.10.07, all apprentices and practice candidates who sat for examinations within the period 1.10.07-30.09.08 and private candidates who passed.

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