Statistics Norway

Education statistics. Primary and lower secondary schools

3 Primary and lower secondary pupils1 and primary and lower secondary schools, by ownership. School years 1985/86-2007/08
School year Schools, total Of which private2 Pupils, total Of which private
1985/86 3 524 38  534 000 4 356
1990/91 3 406 48  473 078 5 619
1995/96 3 285 63  477 236 7 268
2000/01 3 260 88  590 471 10 053
2005/06 3 160  145  619 640 13 269
2006/07 3 131  146  619 038 13 482
2007/08 3 102  153  616 388 14 381
1  Primary and lower secondary school was extended by one class level from school year 1997/98 and school starting age was reduced from 7 to 6 years.
2  Primary and lower secondary schools authorised by the law for private schools.

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