Statistics Norway

Balance of payments, geographical breakdown

3   Balance of Payments, geographical breakdown. 2003. NOK million
  Nordic countries Other EU/ EEA countries Other European countries North America Central and South America Africa Asia and Oceania Total
Exports, total 93 020  419 750 25 480  140 056 9 051     3 899 38 147      729 403
Goods 63 698  311 622 19 181 57 891 4 934 3 089 28 119  488 534
Services 22 656 69 477 5 213 43 581 3 876  730 8 690  154 223
Sea transport 4 515 26 790 2 425 27 231 1 418  345 5 931 68 655
Other transport and communication 2 493 13 685  441 2 546  801  116  399 20 481
Travel 5 682 9 070  871 2 059 18 34  306 18 040
Financial and insurance services 1 875 3 984  217 1 694 52 10  449 8 281
Business services 6 943 14 611 1 107 9 256 1 586  146 1 391 35 040
Other services 1 148 1 337  152  795 1 79  214 3 726
Other income and transfers, credit 6 666 38 651 1 086 38 584  241 80 1 338 86 646
Imports, total  125 186  220 178 37 443 75 795 11 625 6 987 49 553  526 767
Goods 79 572  115 315 24 921 20 820 8 459 2 730 38 112  289 929
Services 38 018 66 702 7 133 15 608 1 108  803 9 088  138 460
Sea transport/operating costs 6 403 18 480 2 225 2 917  549  501 7 326 38 401
Other transport and communication 4 209 4 272  806 1 407  165 7  296 11 162
Travel 18 354 22 174 1 839 2 926 59 46  169 45 567
Financial and insurance services 1 374 3 408  309 1 256  144 3  136 6 630
Business services 7 091 16 906 1 712 6 335  150  177  906 33 277
Other services  587 1 462  242  767 41 69  255 3 423
Other income and transfers, debit 7 596 38 161 5 389 39 367 2 058 3 454 2 353 98 378
Balance of goods -15 874  196 307 -5 740 37 071 -3 525  359 -9 993  198 605
Balance of services -15 362 2 775 -1 920 27 973 2 768 -73 -398 15 763
Current account balance -32 166  199 572 -11 963 64 261 -2 574 -3 088 -11 406  202 636

Explanation of symbols