Statistics Norway

Balance of payments, geographical breakdown

1   Balance of Payments, geographical breakdown. 2001. NOK million
  Nordic countries Other EU/ EEA countries Other European countries North America Central and
South America
Africa Asia and Oceania Total
Exports, total  103 982  433 538 25 913  151 482 15 235      5 621 41 443       777 214
Goods 73 855  332 468 19 080 63 187 11 840 4 685 30 047  535 162
Services 21 815 65 345 5 341 52 978 2 738  734 9 336  158 287
Sea transport 4 080 26 934 2 481 35 646 1 294  264 6 598 77 297
Other transport and communication 2 768 11 381  508 2 897  706  198  335 18 793
Travel 5 598 8 841  840 1 999 17 32  299 17 626
Financial and insurance services  990 1 693  307  770 43 33 83 3 919
Business services 6 945 15 557 1 027 11 013  662  140 1 773 37 117
Other services 1 434  939  178  653 16 67  248 3 535
Other income and transfers, credit 8 312 35 725 1 492 35 317  657  202 2 060 83 765
Imports, total  122 358  220 470 35 014 89 781 14 412 6 389 53 615  542 039
Goods 77 550  118 807 22 107 29 511 8 571 2 889 37 688  297 123
Services 35 079 58 796 7 909 18 462 1 587 1 151 12 835  135 819
Sea transport/operating costs 5 462 19 734 2 490 3 744  919  844 10 147 43 340
Other transport and communication 3 230 3 542 1 587 1 950  113 12  500 10 934
Travel 15 818 19 144 1 566 2 509 50 38  143 39 268
Financial and insurance services  984 2 336 95  888 70 3  111 4 487
Business services 8 490 13 188 1 946 8 688  391  189 1 711 34 603
Other services 1 095  852  225  683 44 65  223 3 187
Other income and transfers, debit 9 729 42 867 4 998 41 808 4 254 2 349 3 092  109 097
Balance of goods -3 695  213 661 -3 027 33 676 3 269 1 796 -7 641  238 039
Balance of services -13 264 6 549 -2 568 34 516 1 151 -417 -3 499 22 468
Current account balance -19 793  205 926 -12 607 55 210 -2 774 -2 915 -13 204  235 175

Explanation of symbols