3   Congregations and members of religious1 and philosophical2 communities outside the Church of Norway, by county2. 1 January 2000.
  Registered religious communities
  Total Pentecostal congregations The Evangelical Lutheran Free Church of Norway The Roman Catholic Church The methodist church of Norway Jehovahs Witness The Norwegian Baptist Union Islam Church of Norway Mission Covenant
The whole country                  
Congregations 1 120 241 81 36 51 173 66 61 77
Members 254 854 45 006 21 163 42 598 13 130 15 055 10 352 49 633 8 309
Congregations 83 19 7 4 8 10 5 7 4
Members 19 138 4 397 2 320 2 563 2 495 1 342 1 466 1 846 163
Oslo og Akershus                  
Congregations 181 35 8 4 5 26 5 31 7
Members 97 161 7 137 1 901 18 749 1 627 2 550 1 041 39 811 812
Congregations 44 18 1 1 3 7 2 - 3
Members 4 002 1 851 337 860 214 382 160 - 109
Congregations 38 9 1 1 1 6 4 - -
Members 3 203 1 123 285 170 47 294 525 - -
Congregations 68 14 2 2 4 9 3 6 4
Members 13 235 2 935 194 1 885 783 852 518 2 723 484
Congregations 58 8 3 2 4 9 2 1 3
Members 9 909 2 199 830 1 298 892 1 101 98 108 300
Congregations 88 25 7 1 4 10 5 4 13
Members 14 375 4 566 1 637 1 338 1 250 944 772 770 1 619
Congregations 38 8 8 1 1 4 4 1 5
Members 9 012 1 924 2 491 451 341 493 561 324 1 284
Congregations 57 8 11 2 3 6 2 2 8
Members 17 100 3 811 4 999 2 083 615 650 312 927 1 435
Congregations 88 12 6 2 4 14 6 7 4
Members 19 320 3 533 855 3 688 1 808 1 402 1 437 2 181 748
Congregations 80 17 3 3 2 19 2 2 7
Members 18 198 2 976 657 4 268 1 772 1 913 383 943 279
Sogn og Fjordane                  
Congregations 14 4 1 - - 4 1 - -
Members 592 285 29 - - 155 9 - -
Møre og Romsdal                  
Congregations 55 16 5 3 2 7 1 - 5
Members 6 392 2 351 1 298 986 317 484 66 - 204
Congregations 40 8 1 3 1 10 4 - 2
Members 7 533 2 288 365 2 310 293 750 546 - 191
Congregations 27 3 4 1 1 5 3 - 1
Members 2 104 295 366 321 88 254 284 - 209
Congregations 83 17 11 1 4 15 7 - 7
Members 6 979 1 810 2 399 189 199 744 741 - 309
Congregations 41 5 1 5 3 5 9 - 2
Members 4 823 421 51 1 439 319 467 1 395 - 116
Congregations 37 15 1 - 1 7 1 - 2
Members 1 778 1 104 149 - 70 278 38 - 47
  Registered religious communities Unregistered religious communities
  Adventists The Evangelical Lutheran Church community Buddhist Federation Other registered religious communities Total Free Evangelical Congregations Pentecostal congregations Other unregistered religious communities Human Ethical Union
The whole country                  
Congregations 72 15 9 238 102 24 19 59 127
Members 5 998 3 438 7 031 33 141 31 757 3 702 1 193 26 862 67 950
Congregations 5 - 1 13 5 3 - 2 5
Members 471 - 529 1 546 866 436 - 430 2 752
Oslo og Akershus                  
Congregations 6 1 5 48 13 1 1 11 17
Members 820 645 5 762 16 306 18 069 95 50 17 924 25 342
Congregations 2 - - 7 5 - 2 3 6
Members 33 - - 56 320 - 95 225 2 398
Congregations 4 - - 12 7 1 3 3 7
Members 325 - - 434 563 88 136 339 2 058
Congregations 7 1 - 16 9 2 - 7 7
Members 997 95 - 1 769 1 412 368 - 1 044 3 263
Congregations 5 6 - 15 4 - - 4 5
Members 428 1 868 - 787 1 092 - - 1 092 3 336
Congregations 5 5 - 9 2 - 1 1 6
Members 228 697 - 554 822 - 40 782 2 286
Congregations 1 - - 5 4 2 - 2 5
Members 79 - - 1 064 526 413 - 113 1 174
Congregations 3 - - 12 10 6 3 1 4
Members 283 - - 1 985 1 419 902 391 126 1 568
Congregations 5 1 1 26 13 7 1 5 7
Members 631 83 283 2 671 2 095 1 139 22 934 4 308
Congregations 2 1 2 20 7 1 2 4 9
Members 465 50 457 4 035 1 043 200 183 660 5 198
Sogn og Fjordane                  
Congregations - - - 4 3 - 2 1 4
Members - - - 114 181 - 104 77 735
Møre og Romsdal                  
Congregations 3 - - 13 5 1 - 4 7
Members 168 - - 518 400 61 - 339 2 060
Congregations 1 - - 10 7 - - 7 7
Members 175 - - 615 2 010 - - 2 010 4 373
Congregations 1 - - 8 1 - - 1 7
Members 31 - - 256 324 - - 324 1 502
Congregations 13 - - 8 4 - 3 1 8
Members 376 - - 212 494 - 144 350 2 614
Congregations 4 - - 7 2 - - 2 6
Members 408 - - 207 93 - - 93 2 202
Congregations 5 - - 5 1 - 1 - 10
Members 80 - - 12 28 - 28 - 781
1  Includes registered and unregistered religious communities/congregations having central government subsidies for 2000 pursuant to the religious community Act of 13 June 1969.
2  Philosophical communities having central government subsidies for 2000, pursuant to the Act of 12 June 1981 about subsidies to philosophical communities. With effect from 1985, children under the age of 15 are included.
3  Including only members for whom government subsidy is received.
Source: Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols