Statistics Norway

Sickness absence, self- and doctor-certified

34 Cases of sickness absence and sickness absence man-days, self-certified and doctor-certified absence, by sex and duration. Per cent. Quarterly figures. 2010-20111
  Q1 2010 Q1 2011
  Until 2 weeks (self-certified absence includet) 3 - until 12 weeks More than 12 weeks Until 2 weeks (self-certified absence included) 3 - until 12 weeks More than 12 weeks
Cases of sickness absence 81.1 11.1 7.8 81.2 11.5 7.3
Sickness absence man-days 14.0 19.3 66.8 15.9 21.4 62.7
Cases of sickness absence 83.0 9.9 7.1 83.6 10.1 6.3
Sickness absence man-days 14.6 18.6 66.9 17.2 20.7 62.1
Cases of sickness absence 79.8 11.9 8.3 79.5 12.5 8.0
Sickness absence man-days 13.5 19.9 66.7 14.9 22.0 63.1
1  Calculation of duration are based on the start- and stoppdates for the sickness absence.

Explanation of symbols