Statistics Norway

Norwegian business enterprise sector, ownership and roles

4   Public limited companies and members of board, by gender and age. 1st of January 2006
Age groups Members of board, total Gender
Total Per cent Women Men
Total Per cent Total Per cent
Total 2 579  100.0  459  100.0 2 120  100.0
25-34 years  106 4.1 41 8.9 65 3.1
35-44 years  684 26.5  174 37.9  510 24.1
45-54 years  932 36.1  174 37.9  758 35.8
55-66 years  741 28.7 69 15.0  672 31.7
67 years and older  116 4.5 1 0.2  115 5.4

Explanation of symbols