Statistics Norway

Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, structural business statistics

1 Principal figures for enterprises, by industry division. Final figures 2008 and preliminary figures 2009
Industry division Number of enterprises Number of persons employed Turnover Total purchases of goods and services Wages and salaries Gross investment in tangible goods
2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009
  Number NOK million
36-39 Water supply, sewerage, waste 1 011 1 107 8 628 8 213 19 938 18 811 14 522 12 875 3 323 3 320 2 468 2 361
36 Water supply  372  436  589  397  452  524  298  339  229  119 98  139
37 Sewerage  143  155  878  842 1 160 1 127  611  564  321  302  201  181
38 Waste activity, materials recovery  471  480 7 114 6 902 18 257 16 959 13 542 11 808 2 755 2 864 2 128 2 028
38.1 Waste collection  260  256 4 568 4 305 9 434 8 891 6 780 6 109 1 699 1 657  608  552
38.2 Waste treatment and disposal 63 70  825  949 2 186 2 604 1 483 1 716  358  414  799  473
38.3 Materials recovery  148  154 1 721 1 648 6 637 5 465 5 279 3 983  698  793  722 1 003
39 Remediation, other waste management 25 36 47 72 68  201 72  165 17 35 41 14

Explanation of symbols