Statistics Norway

Water transport, structural business statistics

5 Sea and Coastal water transport. Principal figures, by number of persons employed and industry group. Enterprises. 2007
Industry group Total Enterprises with employment
0-1 2-4 5-9 10-19 20-49 50-249 250-
61.1 Sea and costal water transport                
Enterprises 1 761 1 209  232  116 80 51 51 22
Employment1 25 716  210  609  758 1 081 1 513 5 842 15 703
Turnover2  125 784.3 87 468.5 2 017.9 2 125.9 1 724.5 1 876.5 23 299.0 7 272.1
Personnel costs3 12 340.5 1 463.1  430.1  514.0  589.8  989.9 2 709.3 5 644.3
Production value3  124 494.3 87 455.1 2 008.4 2 122.3 1 723.2 1 814.6 23 208.3 6 162.4
Value-added4 35 861.9 23 554.3  921.5  592.5  713.6  998.0 2 757.2 6 324.8
Gross investments5 7 866.6 4 552.5 1 267.8  503.8  159.3  173.3  303.8  906.1
1  Average number of persons during the year.
2  Exclusive of VAT. NOK million.
3  NOK million.
4  At factor cost. NOK million.
5  Acquisitions, sales are deducted. NOK million.

Explanation of symbols