Statistics Norway

Storting election 2005

19   Storting Election 2005. Persons entitled to vote, votes cast, rejected votes and valid votes and percentage voter turnoutby region, type of municipality, sentrality and size of municipality. (Corrected 5 October 2006)
  Municipalities Persons entiled to vote Votes cast total Percentage voter turnout Valid votes Votes cast in advance. Per cent
The whole country  433 3 421 741 2 649 735 77.4 2 638 263 17.9
South Eastern Norway 71  749 982  598 564 79.8  596 151 19.5
Oslo and Akershus 23  669 935  514 959 76.9  512 512 15.0
Hedmark and Oppland 48  285 719  217 896 76.3  216 799 16.9
Agder and Rogaland 57  476 984  368 535 77.3  367 284 16.4
Western Norway 97  593 536  464 167 78.2  462 057 20.0
Trøndelag 49  300 632  230 664 76.7  229 707 17.4
Northern Norway 88  344 953  254 950 73.9  253 753 19.7
0A Remote municipalities 35  100 861 76 808 76.2 76 445 17.8
0BRemote municipalities  167  363 636  272 843 75.0  271 485 18.7
1A Fairly remote municipalities 21  125 080 95 324 76.2 94 915 16.8
1B Fairly remote municipalities 25  125 534 94 055 74.9 93 574 18.7
2A Central municipalities 44  601 326  460 576 76.6  458 575 16.0
2B Central municipalities 37  268 919  205 744 76.5  204 917 19.1
3A Central municipalities  104 1 836 385 1 444 385 78.7 1 438 352 18.3
Type of municipality            
Agricultural municipalities 62  106 526 80 935 76.0 82 830 17.5
Fishery municipalities 30 55 250 41 144 74.5 40 150 20.8
Mixed agricultural and manufacturing municipalities 60  162 001  123 561 76.3  121 004 15.7
Manufacturing municipalities 66  319 777  246 501 77.1  239 279 16.6
Less central, mixed service industry and manufacturing municipalities 74  299 150  227 556 76.1  220 997 18.1
Central, mixed service industry and manufacturing municipalities 77  982 341  756 884 77.0  713 632 15.2
Less central service industry municipalities 30  233 487  173 911 74.5  165 581 20.4
Central service industry municipalities 34 1 263 209  999 243 79.1  938 347 20.0
Size of municipality (Population 01.01.2005)            
Hele landet  433 3 421 741 2 649 735 77.4 2 638 263 17.9
0 - 1 999 95 90 182 68 466 75.9 68 112 19.6
2 000 - 4 999  145  357 267  271 830 76.1  270 564 16.9
5 000 - 9 999 90  468 817  358 803 76.5  357 119 16.5
10 000 - 19 999 58  608 954  471 242 77.4  468 699 16.0
20 000 - 49 999 33  737 343  569 871 77.3  567 310 17.7
50000- 12 1 159 178  909 523 78.5  906 459 19.8

Explanation of symbols