Statistics Norway

Spesialist health service, general care

3 Man-years in general hospitals, by category of personnel, health region2 and private hospitals. 20081
Category of personnel The whole country Helseregion Sør-Øst3 Helseregion Vest Helseregion Midt-Norge Helseregion Nord Private hospitals
Man-years, total 62 858 33 493 13 244 8 192 7 166  763
Physicians 8 912 4 845 1 785 1 207 1 020 55
Nurses 23 831 12 587 4 699 3 732 2 534  279
Auxiliary nursing personnel 4 231 2 258  908  498  535 32
Midwives 1 305  666  288  196  154 1
Physiotherapists 1 254  689  239  167  135 24
Occupational therapists  390  207 68 51 59 5
Medical laboratory technicians 3 290 1 815  634  433  389 19
Radiographers 1 668  923  325  228  177 15
Psychologists  288  134 95 21 33 5
Social workers  250  135 54 25 33 3
Professional health workers for mentally retarded  212 80 79 29 23 1
Kliniske ernæringsfysiologer  100 65 14 11 6 4
Helsesekretærer 2 249 1 208  400  222  343 76
Annen helseutdanning på videregående skolenivå  971  446  363 92 64 6
Annen helseutdanning på universitets- og høyskolenivå  871  491  152  111  108 9
Personell uten helse - og sosialfaglig utdanning 13 039 6 944 3 142 1 170 1 552  231
1  From 2008, statistics on personnel in the specialist health service are based on data from administrative registers. Previously the data were collected from questionnaires.
2  Private hospitals financed by a Regional Health Enterprise on a regular basis, are included in the Health Regions.
3  From 2007, after the fusion of Helse Sør RHF and Helse Øst RHF to Helse Sør-Øst RHF.

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