Statistics Norway

Spesialist health service, general care

3 Man-years1 in general hospitals, by category of personnel, health region2 and private hospitals. 2007
Category of personnel The whole country Helseregion Sør-Øst4 Helseregion Vest Helseregion Midt-Norge Helseregion Nord Private hospitals
$Man-years, total 65 382 36 079 12 531 8 838 7 178  756
Physicians 8 640 4 765 1 616 1 157 1 008 94
Nurses 24 223 13 284 4 392 3 658 2 600  288
Auxiliary nursing personnel 4 261 2 362  846  488  542 22
Other personnel in clientdirected services 1 806  984  176  123  491 33
Midwives 1 337  701  274  215  147 0
Physiotherapists 1 184  680  204  152  130 19
Medical laboratory technicians 3 450 1 865  652  494  417 22
Radiographers 1 655  941  313  223  171 7
Occupational therapists  378  233 58 44 39 4
Professional health workers for mentally retarded 64 31 10 13 10 0
Social workers3  182  106 31 27 15 3
Psychologists  174  111 22 19 18 5
Personnel in administration and office 10 179 5 907 1 953 1 260  899  160
Personnel in service, technical and/or operating functions 7 849 4 110 1 984  966  690 98
1  Man-years are the sum of full-time employed and part-time employed (calculated in to full-time employed) by the end of the year.
2  Private hospitals financed by a Regional Health Enterprise on a regular basis, are included in the Health Regions.
3  College-educated.
4  From 2007, after the fusion of Helse Sør RHF and Helse Øst RHF to Helse Sør-Øst RHF.

Explanation of symbols