Statistics Norway

Specialist health services, accounts

4   Gross revenue distributed, by type of revenue. 2002-2003. NOK million
  2003 20022
Revenue in the specialist health service -65 879 -61 875
Sales revenue -1 423 -898
DRG revenue -20 924 -18 733
Revenue from guest patients -2 028 -2 181
Revenue from National Insurance Administration -4 541 -4 023
Out-of-pocket payments from patients -862 -901
Other patient and treatment related revenues -718 -1 229
Patient and treatment related grants and reimbursements 1 -34 548 -32 880
Other revenues -836 -1 030
1  Patient and treatment related grants and reimbursements consist of codes 33 and 35. Enterprises have made use of both codes for investment grants.
2  Figures for 2002 are corrected.

Explanation of symbols