Specialist health services, psychiatry

10   Out-patient consultations in psychiatric institutions for adults, by regional health enterprise. 1998-2002. Numbers and per 1 000 inhabitants
Regional health enterprises Out-patient consultations in psychiatric institutions for adults Out-patient consultations in psychiatric institutions for adults per 1 000 inhabitants 18- years
19981 19992 2000 2001 20023 1998 1999 2000 2001 20023
The whole country  475 285  503 714  527 645  555 058  614 860  140  148  154  161  178
Helseregion Øst  179 117  194 659  201 411  211 767  235 092  146  158  162  169  187
Helseregion Sør 87 191  100 162  110 709  110 501  128 175  132  151  166  164  190
Helseregion Vest 84 622 85 698 84 235 91 209  100 278  126  127  124  133  145
Helseregion Midt-Norge 66 266 70 310 74 877 80 285 87 283  139  147  156  166  180
Helseregion Nord 54 576 49 403 52 623 58 847 61 160  155  141  149  167  174
1  A number of figures have been corrected 05.26.03.
2  A number of figures have been corrected 09.19.01.
3  Preliminary figures.

Explanation of symbols