Statistics Norway

Specialized health services. Private specialists with operating agreements with health enterprises

2   Number of contracts with specialized physicians and clinical psychologists about subsidy to private practice, by regional health enterprise. 2002-2005
Regional health enterprises Specialized physicians Clinical psychologists
2002 2003 2004 2005 2002 2003 2004 2005
The whole country 1 064 1 083 1 096 1 074  567  570  576  572
Helseregion Øst  525  531  535  529  293  290  287  287
Helseregion Sør  191  192  206  203 76 79 83 80
Helseregion Vest  181  186  181  180  111  112  113  115
Helseregion Midt-Norge  106  105  106 99 67 64 67 67
Helseregion Nord 61 69 68 63 20 25 26 23

Explanation of symbols