Statistics Norway

Specialist health service

2 Man-years in the air ambulance, by category of personnel and by regional health enterprise. 2010
Regional health enterprise Total Pilots Rescuers Engineers Physicians2 Nurses2
The whole country  325  138 44 29 76 38
Helseregion Sør-Øst 1 92 32 18 9 23 10
Helseregion Vest 48 11 11 3 23 0
Helseregion Midt-Norge 55 18 8 4 14 11
Helseregion Nord  130 77 7 13 16 17
1  From 2007, after the fusion of Helse Sør RHF and Helse Øst RHF to Helse Sør-Øst RHF.
2  From 2007, man-years attached to subcontractors within ambulance services, are included.
Source: Helseforetakenes nasjonale luftambulansetjeneste ANS 2010.

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