Statistics Norway

Social assistance

9   Recipients of social assistance, by country background and age. 20041
Age Total Norwegian Foreign Western countries Non-western countries Unknown Percentage foreign recipients of social assistance
Total  132 067  108 994 23 073 6 627 15 372 1 074 18
years 6 686 5 491 1 195  183  961 51 18
20 - 24 " 22 601 19 093 3 508  616 2 705  187 16
25 - 29 " 18 227 14 670 3 557  757 2 609  191 20
30 - 39 " 35 708 28 554 7 154 1 664 5 124  366 20
40 - 49 " 26 791 22 707 4 084 1 423 2 515  146 15
50 - 59 " 14 055 12 325 1 730  828  816 86 12
60 - 66 " 4 068 3 416  652  369  261 22 16
67 - " 3 929 2 738 1 191  787  381 23 30
Unknown 2 - 2 - - 2 -
1  Includes benefits to refugees and immigrants for some municipalities.

Explanation of symbols