Statistics Norway

Tax statistics, personal taxpayers

1   Survey of tax assessment. The whole country. Preliminary figures. 2004 and 2005
  2004 2005
  NOK million NOK million Number of persons Average
Basis for surtax on gross income  698 153  724 044 2 932 739  246 900
Share dividends received 22 106 30 174  247 998  121 700
Ordinary income after special deduction1  552 292  567 707 2 891 913  196 300
Personal income pension  144 441  149 740  978 979  153 000
Personal income wages  550 675  571 022 2 227 251  256 400
Personal income from industry 2 732 2 961 23 728  124 800
Net wealth  594 374  587 615 1 478 791  397 400
County wealth tax 3 413 3 234  903 585 3 600
County income tax 72 572 76 308 2 616 583 29 200
State wealth tax 1 494 1 447  867 656 1 700
Surtax on gross income 9 879 8 532  481 653 17 700
Community tax 56 037 55 582 2 616 118 21 200
Membership contribution to the National Insurance 47 267 48 955 2 741 000 17 900
Finnmark deduction  472  469 50 179 9 400
Home investment savings for young people (BSU)2  352  362  200 475 1 800
Tax reduction according to the 80 per cent rule  128  144 6 859 20 900
Tax limitation according to paragraph 17 3 658 3 958  493 000 8 000
Deduction for foreign services 90 79 4 849 16 300
Tax deduction for received dividends 6 157 8 447  239 557 35 300
Assessed taxes3  179 807  180 646 2 679 746 67 400
1  Basis for calculation of incometax to county and municipality.
2  Included additional tax due to broken agreement of home investment savings for young people (BSU).
3  Total taxes minus deductions and tax reductions. The specified tax amount are stated by gross amount, that means before deductions and reductions.

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