Statistics Norway

Tax statistics, personal taxpayers

1   Survey of tax assessment for employees and pensioners. Whole country. 2003-2004
  2003 2004
  NOK million NOK Million Number
of persons
Basis for Surtax on Gross Income  666 096  698 153 2 936 908  237 700
Share dividends received 20 989 22 106  249 589 88 600
Ordinary income after special deduction1  518 859  552 292 2 892 570  190 900
Personal income pension  135 082  144 441  981 242  147 200
Personal income wages  528 174  550 675 2 226 015  247 400
Personal income from industry 2 564 2 732 26 209  104 200
Net wealth  562 140  594 374 1 512 437  393 000
County wealth tax 3 183 3 413  991 261 3 400
County income tax 69 896 72 572 2 623 505 27 700
State wealth tax 1 369 1 494  951 175 1 600
State income tax2 9 546 9 879  540 707 18 300
Community tax 50 614 56 037 2 623 139 21 400
Membership contribution to the national insurance 45 222 47 267 2 774 651 17 000
Finnmark deduction  461  472 49 526 9 500
Home investment savings for young people (BSU)3  340  352  197 213 1 800
Tax reduction according to the 80 per cent rule 99  128 6 060 21 100
Tax limitation according to paragraph 17 3 431 3 658  476 258 7 700
Deduction for foreign services 47 90 5 483 16 400
Tax deduction for received dividends 5 864 6 157  239 412 25 700
Assessed taxes4  169 577  179 807 2 721 055 66 100
1  Basis for calculation of incometax to county and municipality.
2  From 1992 surtax is the main income tax to the state. In addition ordinary income tax to the state is calculated for certain taxpayers, mainly persons lliving abroad.
3  Included additional tax due to broken agreement of home investment savings for young people(BSU).
4  Total taxes minus deductions and tax reductions. The specified tax amount are stated by gross amount, that means before deductions and reductions.

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