Statistics Norway

2 Tax bases, assessed taxes and tax deductions for companies. 2005-2009. NOK million1 (Corrected 25 January 2011)
  2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Taxable income  427 575  534 083  538 060  633 472  508 532
Net wealth 75 298 93 906  105 395  112 981  128 147
Income tax  119 697  149 511  150 614  177 062  142 228
Wealth tax  226  282  316  339  384
Special tax  116 297  137 892  120 041  159 680 95 524
Tonnage tax 28 26 24 28 28
Tax on ground rent income 2 234 3 757 2 635 5 623 4 531
Tax on natural resources 1 551 1 551 1 499 1 557 1 551
Tax deduction for tax on natural resources 1 708 1 294 1 126 2 802 1 562
Deduction for received dividends  477  673  406  359  205
Tax deduction for tax paid to foreign country 6 244 8 564 11 636 17 135 11 075
Tax deduction for expenses on research and development 1 101 1 059  894  956 1 087
Paid back tax - - - 3 158 3 007
Paid exploration expenses 1 419 11 583 15 353 16 329 19 111
1  Corrected 25 January 2011. For more information about the corrections see article in Statistical magazine.

Explanation of symbols