Statistics Norway

Accounts statistics for non-financial limited companies

1 Selected accounting figures, income statement 2008-2009. NOK million
Income statement 2008 2009 2010
Operating income 4 345 154 3 930 261 4 230 889
Revenue 4 072 732 3 674 185 3 975 723
Special government taxes 42 258 42 906 43 730
Government subsidies/refunds 25 028 25 706 27 934
Income from rent, realproperty and other income from rent 83 978 91 749 96 084
Profit on disposals (sale etc.) of fixed assets 31 241 16 579 31 115
Other operating income  174 432  164 948  143 762
Operating expenses 3 751 746 3 511 236 3 716 871
Raw materials and consumables used 2 037 026 1 826 306 1 971 369
Of which changes in inventories of work in progress and finished goods -9 123 4 860 -1 808
Payroll expence  645 858  649 448  661 418
Wages and salaries  523 222  522 408  539 652
National insurance premium 70 972 71 482 73 336
Other staff expenses 51 664 55 557 48 430
Depreciation and write down of tangible and intangible fixed assets  191 639  191 600  190 681
Other financial expence  877 223  843 883  893 403
Subcontracts  161 609  150 900  156 008
Outgoing freight and forwarding costs 64 812 58 442 52 568
Energy etc. related to production 21 647 19 664 19 919
Costs regarding premises and office appliances  114 254  121 247  128 413
Rented fixed durable assets etc. and Tools, equipment etc. 70 416 71 632 76 887
Maintenance/cost of repairs 40 301 38 973 40 174
Cost of external services 84 568 84 919 86 806
Costs regarding means of transport 26 546 25 349 27 945
Travel and subsistance allowance 26 146 23 690 23 299
Selling, advertising, representation costs and commission charges 48 564 44 850 48 163
Loss on disposals of fixed assets 3 629 3 528 2 665
Loss on receivables 15 965 13 875 12 829
Other operating expenses  198 767  186 814  217 728
Operating profit  593 408  419 024  514 018
Share of profits/losses in partnerships  108 609 95 833  138 559
Interest income  131 878 80 253 73 950
Other financial income  387 455  330 013  301 712
Change of value of market based liquid assets -55 400 41 122 11 766
Write-down of financial assets  146 506 63 096 39 950
Interest expence  191 046  141 303  132 302
Other financial expence  300 082  158 751  125 892
Financial items, net -65 092  184 072  227 843
Operating result before tax  528 315  603 096  741 861
Extraordinary income 2 546 2 096  298
Extraordinary expenditure 1 083 1 983 2 663
Other comprehensive income   1 324  341
Tax  334 698  246 315  283 109
Net profit  195 080  358 217  456 728
Proposed dividends  138 725  125 562  145 036
Number of enterprises  200 006  199 665  203 509

Explanation of symbols