Statistics Norway

Accounts statistics. General trading statement, non-financial joint-stock companies

2   Selected accounting figures. Balance sheet at 2000 and 2001. Million NOK
  2000 2001
Fixed assets 2 353 561 2 577 411
Intangible fixed assets  101 696  114 545
Tangible fixed assets  970 049 1 094 048
Buildings, Land and other real property  616 956  694 683
Plant under construction 49 052 47 746
Veicles, machinery and equipment  146 357  151 323
Ship, rigs, aircrafts, helicopters etc.  112 423  156 741
Office machines etc. 10 145 11 690
Other fixed assets 35 116 31 866
Financial fixed assets 1 281 816 1 368 818
Investments in group companies/subsidiaries  682 281  739 020
Investments in associated companies 95 938 81 277
Loans to group companies, associated companies and joint ventures  356 806  390 898
Investments in shares, security funds and bonds 70 646 80 405
Other receivables 76 145 77 219
Current assets 1 173 020 1 177 884
Inventories  152 113  158 500
Debtors  671 334  672 223
Accounts receivable from customers and earned, not invoiced operating income  278 932  278 518
Other receivables from group companies  293 595  304 382
Other short term receivables 98 807 89 323
Securities and other financial current assets 93 112 91 896
Cash and bank deposits  256 461  255 266
TOTAL ASSETS 3 526 581 3 755 295
Equity 1 296 196 1 325 267
Invested equity  716 041  767 443
Share capital  405 405  390 625
Share premium reserve etc.  310 636  376 818
Retained earnings  580 155  557 824
Fund for assessment differences 12 090 14 921
Other equity  649 225  632 678
Uncovered losses 81 160 89 775
Liabilities 2 230 385 2 430 028
Provisions  173 454  186 949
Other long-term liabilities 1 028 103 1 151 724
Convertible loans and bond loans  140 882  127 187
Liabilities to financial institutions  285 666  359 603
Long-term liabilities to group companies  311 411  398 306
Other long term liabilities  290 144  266 627
Short-term liabilities 1 028 828 1 091 356
Convertible loans and certificate loans 22 383 19 276
Bank overdraft 77 785 69 768
Trade creditors  178 588  178 192
Unpaid indirect taxes and payable tax  115 012  105 799
Provisions for dividend 70 974 88 831
Advances from customers 28 330 25 532
Short-term liabilities to group companies  288 132  364 356
Accrued, not due wages and salaries 32 444 37 056
Other short-term liabilities  215 180  202 545
Number of enterprises 11 350 45 990

Explanation of symbols