Accounts statistics, Joint-stock companies

1   Selected accounting figures for joint-stock companies. 1995-1999. Million kroner and per cent
  1995 1996 1997 19981 1999
Operating income 1 349 618 1 515 515 1 727 559 1 845 781 1 937 387
Operating expenses 1 245 127 1 395 008 1 583 678 1 733 744 1 800 366
Operating profit 104 491 120 507 143 880 112 038 137 020
Operating profit margin in per cent 2 7,7 8,0 8,3 6,1 7,1
Equity ratio in per cent 3 32,5 35,1 37,2 37,6 37,9
Number om enterprises 102 670 107 032 114 756 124 241 129 733
1  Adjusted figures.
2  Operating profit in per cent of operating income.
3  Equity in per cent of total equity and liabilities at 31 December.

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