Statistics Norway

Primary physician service, municipal expenses

1   Net expenditure per inhabitant to primary physician service, by size of municipality
  Average per inhabitant in current prices Average per inhabitant in fixed prices Number of municipalities Index in current prices Increase in current prices. Per cent
  2002 2002 1999 2002 1999 2002 1999-2002
Total1  610  509  458  116  145  100 33
0-1 999 1 677 1 399 1 229 15 25  275 36
2 000-4 999 1 099  917  706 39 50  180 56
5 000-9 999  704  587  550 32 36  115 28
10 000-19 999  538  449  428 13 17 88 26
20 000-29 999  455  380  390 9 9 75 17
30 000-49 999  424  354  381 3 4 70 11
50 000+  473  395  338 5 4 77 40
1  Total expenditure is a weighed average.

Explanation of symbols