Nursing and social care services

8   Recipients of respite care, by age. 1996-2001
  Total 0-17 years 18-49 years 50-66 years 67-79 years 80 years and over Unspecified
19961 6 091 3 833 1 599  161  498 . -
1997 7 496 4 193 1 791  231  499  731 51
1998 7 607 4 495 1 859  228  383  638 4
1999 8 123 4 881 2 015  260  362  605 60
2000 7 947 5 175 1 775  215  292  490 -
2001 8 065 5 668 1 878  197  146  176 -
1  In 1996, recipients over 67 years of age were not further specified. 498 recipients received such services.

Explanation of symbols