Patient statistics

2   Inpatient stays1 at general hospitals, by sex and main diagnosis. 2002
Diagnosis2 Both sexes Males Females
Total  738 049  331 905  406 144
Infectious and parasitic diseases 17 925 9 062 8 863
Neoplasms 80 706 36 953 43 753
Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 1 366  889  477
Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs 12 886 6 812 6 074
Malignant neoplasms of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 6 915 4 461 2 454
Malignant neoplasms of bone and articular cartilage  573  362  211
Melanoma and other malignant neoplasms of skin 1 869 1 049  820
Malignant neoplasms of breast 6 949 49 6 900
Malignant neoplasms of female genital organs 7 844 - 7 844
Malignant neoplasms of male genital organs 6 064 6 064 -
Malignant neoplasms of urinary tract 5 431 3 826 1 605
Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, haematopoietic related tissue 8 511 4 685 3 826
Benign neoplasms 7 911 1 880 6 031
In situ neoplasms and neoplasms of uncertain or unknown behaviour 5 686 2 412 3 274
Other malignant neoplasms 8 701 4 464 4 237
Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune system 5 034 2 241 2 793
Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases 11 163 4 900 6 263
Diabetes mellitus 5 179 2 815 2 364
Other endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases 5 984 2 085 3 899
Diseases of the nervous system 27 053 14 870 12 183
Parkinson's disease 1 028  561  467
Multiple sclerosis 1 440  510  930
Epilepsy 4 780 2 527 2 253
Cerebral palsy and other paralytic syndromes 1 008  571  437
Other diseases of the nervous system 18 797 10 701 8 096
Diseases of the eye and adnexa 9 077 3 975 5 102
Glaucoma 1 138  540  598
Cataract 3 267 1 123 2 144
Other diseases of the eye and adnexa 4 672 2 312 2 360
Diseases of the ear and mastoid process 3 478 1 707 1 771
Diseases of the circulatory system  107 944 61 912 46 032
Acute myocardial infarction 15 685 9 906 5 779
Angina pectoris 16 035 10 214 5 821
Other acute ischaemic diseases 10 670 7 646 3 024
Cerebrovascular diseases 14 824 7 306 7 518
Cardiac dysrhythmias 12 707 7 062 5 645
Heart failure 8 398 4 455 3 943
Other diseases in the circulatory system 29 625 15 323 14 302
Diseases of the respiratory system 62 192 32 687 29 505
Acute respiratory infections 10 629 5 796 4 833
Other diseases of the upper respiratory tract 10 419 5 473 4 946
Influenza and pneumonia 19 832 10 628 9 204
Asthma and Status asthmaticus 4 148 2 041 2 107
Other chronic obstructive pulmoary diseases and allied conditions 8 799 4 356 4 443
Other diseases of the respiratory system 8 365 4 393 3 972
Diseases of the digestive system 52 460 25 889 26 571
Diseases of oral cavity, salivary glands and jaws 1 213  607  606
Gastric ulcer 1 517  690  827
Duodenal ulcer 1 335  695  640
Other diseases of oesophagus, stomach and duodenum 4 973 2 792 2 181
Diseases of appendix 4 404 2 371 2 033
Hernia 5 793 4 263 1 530
Non-infective enteritis and colitis 4 421 2 017 2 404
Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 12 153 5 548 6 605
Cholelithiasis 7 858 2 488 5 370
Other diseases of liver, biliary tract, pancreas and the digestive system 8 793 4 418 4 375
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue 8 662 4 426 4 236
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 51 699 21 666 30 033
Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 7 448 2 143 5 305
Arthrosis 11 507 3 800 7 707
Dorsopathies 12 661 6 368 6 293
Rheumatism, excluding the back 6 672 3 366 3 306
Osteopathies and chondropathies 2 942 1 173 1 769
Other diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 10 469 4 816 5 653
Diseases of the genitourinary system 39 088 16 563 22 525
Kidney diseases 5 114 3 102 2 012
Urolithiasis 5 059 3 326 1 733
Other diseases of the urinary system 11 695 4 216 7 479
Hyperplasia of prostate 3 497 3 497 -
Other diseases of male genital organs 2 312 2 312 -
Disorders of breast 1 385  110 1 275
Inflammation and other diseases in the female genital organs 10 026 - 10 026
Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium 67 120 - 67 120
Pregnancy with abortive outcome 4 424 - 4 424
Oedema, proteinuria and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium 2 072 - 2 072
Other maternal disorders predominantly related to pregnancy 3 443 - 3 443
Maternal care related to the fetus and amniotic cavity and possible delivery problems 7 758 - 7 758
Complications of labour and delivery 10 266 - 10 266
Delivery 38 171 - 38 171
Complications predominantly related to the puerperium  499 -  499
Other obstetric conditions, not elsewhere classified  487 -  487
Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period 10 497 5 721 4 776
Congenital malformations 8 687 4 881 3 806
Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified 47 394 22 644 24 750
Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes 77 113 39 123 37 990
Fracture of skull, facial bones and neck 1 871 1 362  509
Injuries of upper extremities 12 920 7 158 5 762
Fracture of femur 10 908 3 165 7 743
Intracranial injury 7 954 5 004 2 950
Poisoning 6 055 2 721 3 334
Other injuries 37 405 19 713 17 692
Other causes and unspecified causes 50 757 22 685 28 072
1  Not including day cases, patients in psychiatric wards and foreign residents.
2  Grouped according to International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10).

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