Statistics Norway

Non-profit institutions satellite account

2 Full-time equivalent persons in non-profit institutions, by activity. 2009. Number
ICNPO-category Paid employees Volunteers1, 3 Total
Total 79 777  114 903  194 680
Culture and recreation 10 686 63 639 74 325
Education and research 13 608 7 064 20 672
Health 14 025 6 304 20 329
Social services 20 658 3 791 24 449
Environment  213 2 065 2 278
Development and housing 1 131 12 909 14 040
Law, advocacy and politics 5 717 4 764 10 481
Volunteer centres2  236 0  236
International organisations 2 406 3 337 5 743
Religion 2 813 7 424 10 237
Business and professional associations, unions 8 284 3 606 11 890
1  In the source data unpaid full-time equivalents are only mapped for the years 2004 and 2009. For 2009, 2896 full-time equivalents are placed in the category ICNPO 12 Other. These full-time equivalents are here spread proportionally across the remaining eleven categories. A constant growth rate is assumed between years 2004 and 2009.
2  Volunteer work at Volunteer centres is included in category 4 and cannot be separated like for the paid employees.
3  Kilde: Karl Henrik Sivesind (2007). Frivillig sektor i Norge 1997-2004. ISF Rapport (2007:010) og Wollebæk, D. & Sivesind, K. H. (2010). Fra folkebevegelse til filantropi? Frivillig innsats i Norge 1997-2009. Rapport nr. 2010:3. Oslo: Senter for forskning på sivilsamfunn og frivillig sektor.(Norwegian only).

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