Statistics Norway

National accounts and environment

1 Output in constant 2005 prices, employment, greenhouse gases, acidifying gases and intensities. 2010*1
(NOK million)
(1 000 full-time
equivalent persons)
Greenhouse gas emissions
(tonnes CO2-equivalents)2
Emissions intensity
for greenhouse gases
(tonnes CO2-equivalents/output
in million NOK6
Acidification precursors3 Emissions intensity for
acidification precursors
(tonnes acidification precursors/
NOK million output)6
All industries and households1     65 834 738   10 224  
Total for industries 3 498 638 2 291 60 346 078 17.24 9 858 0.0028
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 69 206 61 6 320 720 91.33 1 763 0.0255
Mining and oil and gas extraction, incl. service activities  486 904 54 14 253 453 29.27 1 227 0.0025
Manufacturing  610 332  207 12 552 457 20.56  944 0.0015
Energy and water supply, sewage and waste management 80 154 27 3 682 120 45.93  119 0.0015
Transport  267 377  457 20 464 358  76.53 5 571 0.0208
Construction  254 862 26  841 266 3.30  101 0.0004
Wholesale and retail trade, motor veh. rep.,
accommod. and food service activities
 386 143  182  679 968 1.76 33 0.0001
Other service activities4  846 963  361  805 936 0.95 36 0.00004
Education, human health and
social work activities
 331 201  601  445 971 1.34 16 0.00004
Public administration and defence  170 672  168  299 828 1.75 49 0.0003
Households5  935 266   5 488 660 5.86  365 0.0004
1  The integrated environmental and economic accounts use the national accounts definition of Norwegian economic activity (resicence principle) and not the geographic definition of Norwegian territory (territorial principle) used for reporting to the Kyoto proctocol and other international air emissions reporting systems.
2  Greenhouse gases calculations include CO2, CH4, N2O, HFK, PFK og SF6.
3  Acidification precursor calculations include NOx, SO2 og NH3 emissions.
4  Emissions for dwelling services are included in emissions from household consumption.
5  Output is replaced by consumption for households.
6  Consumption in households are not included in output or in calculation of emission intensities.

Explanation of symbols