Statistics Norway

1 Output, employment, greenhouse gases, acidifying gases and ozon precurors and intensities. 20091 (Corrected 17 February 2011)
  Output (constant 2000-prices) Employments (full-time equivalent persons) Greenhouse gas emissions (tonnes CO2-equivalents)2 Emissions intensity for greenhouse gases (tonnes CO2-equivalents/mill NOK output7 Acidification precursors3 Emissions intensity for acidification precursors (tonnes acidification precursors/mill NOK output)7 Ozone precursors (NMVOC-equivalents)4 Emissions intensity for ozone precursors (tonnes NMVOC-equivalents/mill NOK output)7
Total for Norway     65 086 407   10 985    650 045  
Total for industries 3 047 798 2 216 59 807 624 19.6 10 606 0.003  568 332 0.19
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 64 285 64 6 198 850 96.4 1 792 0.028 37 161 0.58
Mining and extraction  373 602 45 13 978 857 37.4 1 179 0.003  113 568 0.30
Manufacturing  615 786  263 11 888 298 19.3  734 0.001 46 154 0.07
Energy and water supply and construction  255 347  187 3 810 666 14.9  186 0.001 15 445 0.06
Transport  176 090  127 21 548 979  122.4 6 541 0.037  329 265 1.87
Wholesale, maintainance, hotels and restaurants  371 318  362  675 117 1.8 37 0.000 11 898 0.03
Services5  726 104  383  618 540 0.9 63 0.000 8 145 0.01
Education, health and social work  354 420  634  798 548 2.3 25 0.000 3 526 0.01
General government administration  128 446  152  289 770 2.3 51 0.000 3 172 0.02
Households6  822 546   5 278 783 6.4  379 0.000 81 713 0.10
1  The integrated environmental and economic accounts use the national accounts definition of Norwegian economic activity (resicence principle) and not the geographic definition of Norwegian territory (territorial principle) used for reporting to the Kyoto proctocol and other international air emissions reporting systems.
2  Greenhouse gases calculations include CO2, CH4, N2O, HFK, PFK og SF6.
3  Acidification precursor calculations include NOx, SO2 og NH3 emissions.
4  Ozone precursor calculations include NOx, NMVOC, CO og CH4 emissions.
5  Emissions for dwelling services are included in emissions from household consumption.
6  Output is replaced by consumption for households.
7  Consumption in households are not included in output or in calculation of emission intensities.

Explanation of symbols