Statistics Norway

National accounts and environment

2 Value added in constant 2000 basic prices, employment and greenhouse gas, acidification and ozone precursor emissions according to industry groups. 2006*1, 8
  Total gross value added2 Employments (full-time equivalent persons) Carbon dioxide - CO2 Methane - CH4 Nitrous oxide - N20 Hydrofluorcarbons (HFCs) Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) Sulphurhexafluorid (SF6) Greenhouse gases emissions4 Nitrogen oxides - NOx Ammonia - NH3 Sulphur dioxide - SO2 Acidification precursors5 Non-methane volatile organic carbons - NMVOC Carbon monoxide - CO Ozone precursors6
  NOK million (constant 2000 basic prices) 1 000 full-time equiv. 1 000 tonnes tonnes tonnes Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes CO2-equivalents tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes acid-equivalents tonnes tonnes tonnes NMVOC-equivalents
Total 1 462 570 2 060.4    53 483     210 583  14 366  518 440  742 495  212 088     63 832 226    373 454   22 580   42 177  10 765   203 439   430 582  709 365
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 31 262 66.1 1 838  102 515 6 846 21 337 2 0 6 134 771 27 543 19 770 1 188 1 799 3 498 15 402 40 230
Agriculture and hunting 11 598 49.3  494  102 411 6 792  492 0 0 4 750 348 4 195 19 768  201 1 260 2 557 8 568 10 051
Forestry and logging 3 489 3.7 52 5 21  492 0 0 58 931  451 0 22 10  241  530  850
Fishing 7 822 9.7 1 282 97 32 10 177 1 0 1 304 442 22 822 0  962  526  682 6 171 29 205
Fish farming 19 833 3.4 11 2 1 10 177 1 0 21 050 75 2 3 2 18  133  124
Mining and extraction  320 532 39.0 13 282 29 179  160 5 095 1 0 13 949 553 58 298 1  896 1 295 81 738 10 741  154 452
Mining and quarrying 3 239 3.9  207 1 969 60 26 0 0  267 194 1 549 1 80 36  307  574 2 287
Oil and gas extraction  302 790 20.5 12 926 27 086  100 5 069 1 0 13 530 436 54 779 0  767 1 215 81 249 9 814  149 538
Service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction 9 872 14.6  149  124 1 0 0 0  151 923 1 970 0 49 44  182  353 2 626
Manufacturing  166 437  257.6 12 317 11 623 5 461 41 763  742 462  121 272 15 159 150 18 631  680 14 189  888 29 755 21 246 54 985
Fish and fish products 6 091 8.2  144 6 3 6 791 1 0  152 306  214 0  178 10 25 92  296
Meat and dairy products 5 871 17.4  104 5 2 15 250 2 0  120 563  216 1 26 6 33  152  313
Other food products 8 534 15.0  151 8 5 8 468 1 0  161 281  264 1 42 7 1 114  196 1 458
Beverages and tobacco 4 417 4.8  231 1 1 5 326 0 0  236 846 82 0 25 3 62 65  169
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 2 581 4.5 21 1 1 26 0 0 21 097 33 1 16 1  326 30  370
Wood and wood products 7 722 14.5 78 4 770 20 43 0 0  184 882  447 1  185 16 1 794 2 693 2 702
Pulp, paper and paper products 7 299 6.9  518 3 708 83 43 0 0  621 528 1 817 0 1 996  102  432 3 866 3 126
Publishing, printing, reproduction 16 263 23.9 34 2 1  128 0 0 34 738 33 2 1 1 5 901  135 5 956
Refined petroleum products, chemical and mineral products 19 349 21.5 4 059 2 649 42  254 0 0 4 128 212 6 028  183 3 768  260 14 527  938 22 021
Basic chemicals 5 635 8.8 2 510  429 5 268  118 0 0 4 152 502 4 570  481 3 259  229 1 678 12 115 8 592
Basic metals 10 797 11.8 4 244 28 15  659  742 458  120 077 5 112 336 4 129 5 4 622  235 1 303  117 6 354
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 45 042 74.9  128 6 8 4 400 0 1 195  135 718  316 2 40 8 1 002  290 1 420
Building and repairing of ships 5 942 11.6 26 1 2 86 0 0 27 035  201 0 9 5  598 68  851
Oil platforms and modules 11 545 22.6 23 1 2 86 0 0 23 587 69 0 4 2 11 34 99
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 7 652 11.3 44 8 8 86 0 0 46 518  212 2 18 5  949  455 1 258
Energy and water supply and construction 78 883  171.0 1 169  293  223 1 738 0 73 913 1 319 650 6 391 25 1 420  185 11 233 7 573 19 867
Production and distribution of electricity 24 524 10.8 48 30 11  257 0 73 913  125 985  253 1 18 6 32  158  358
Water, steam etc 91 0.6  387  207 29 0 0 0  400 092 1 042 0 1 176 59  767 2 889 2 359
Construction 53 779  159.7  734 56  184 1 481 0 0  793 573 5 096 23  226  119 10 434 4 526 17 150
Wholesale, maintainance, hotels and restaurants  176 038  337.6  533 72 18 79 562 6 0  619 796 1 221 59  112 34 4 152 4 382 6 125
Wholesale and retail trade, maintainance and repair of vehicles  157 276  282.8  464 63 16 35 330 3 0  505 645 1 131 53 96 31 4 099 3 962 5 916
Hotels and restaurants 19 350 54.7 69 9 2 44 232 3 0  114 151 90 6 16 3 53  420  209
Transport 71 939  120.0 17 432 1 386  627 50 617 1 0 17 706 104  242 785 71 23 486 6 016 15 608 30 153  315 142
Transport via pipelines 27 792 0.6 14 5 0 0 0 0 13 684 36 0 0 1 1 10 46
Railways and trams 1 871 7.0 44 3 16 6 633 0 0 55 341  617 0 19 14 53  145  822
Other land transport 19 795 49.2 4 539  161  278 23 708 1 0 4 652 184 23 069 71  203  512 4 300 14 627 34 055
Air transport 7 849 9.9 1 651 39 52 1 893 0 0 1 669 697 5 716 0 6  124 2 373 5 178 9 917
Ocean transport 16 986 45.9 9 418  680  237 0 0 0 9 505 590  179 879 0 21 235 4 574 7 100 8 580  227 506
Inland water and costal transport 1 697 7.5 1 767  498 44 18 383 1 0 1 809 607 33 468 0 2 023  791 1 781 1 613 42 796
Services  328 215  342.7  665  151 42 23 656 2 4 780  709 655 2 624  196 79 71 6 204 13 314 10 872
Supporting activities for transport 18 621 33.6  172 25 7 15 860 2 0  190 135 1 341 24 50 32 3 651 1 722 5 477
Post and telecommunications 35 053 33.7  219 64 18  205 0 0  226 207  571 92 3 18  733 6 171 2 109
Financial intermediation 64 301 45.3  121 34 9  512 0 0  125 195  264 45 13 9  352 2 973 1 002
Dwelling services (households)7 60 894 1.0 0 0 0 7 081 0 4 780 11 861 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Business services etc  150 335  229.1  153 28 9 0 0 0  156 257  448 35 13 12 1 468 2 448 2 284
Education, health and social work  221 369  580.7  643  121  155  187 348 21  239  880 709  950  102  212 33 2 432 7 165 4 381
Education 60 868  156.2  107 16 2 1 837 0 0  109 490  108 4 45 4 48  393  223
Health and social services  120 202  344.0  314 64  144 2 303 0  239  361 940  492 63 72 17 2 057 4 320 3 133
Other social and personal services 43 270 80.4  222 41 9  183 208 21 0  409 280  350 35 95 13  327 2 452 1 024
General government 70 160  145.7  325 56 729  461 4 441 0 0 1 663 163 1 778 1 69 41  947 1 518 4 077
Public administration and defence 42 524 94.9  282 12 9 3 161 0 0  288 664 1 689 1 58 39  929 1 354 3 139
Water, wastewater and waste, local gov 4 443 4.1 28 56 713  451 9 0 0 1 358 437 66 0 2 1 5 25  882
Other service activities, local gov 20 383 46.7 14 4 1 1 271 0 0 16 061 23 0 9 1 13  139 56
Household consumption 3  765 282 0.0 5 280 8 514  374  102 883 0 11 883 5 689 674 13 233 1 676  526  403 47 872  319 088 99 235
1  NAMEA-values use the National Accounts definition of Norwegian activity, not a geographic definition of Norwegian territory as is used for reporting to the Kyoto proctocol and other international air emissions reporting systems.
2  Total gross value added is the sum of value added for the different kind of activities including chaining discrepancies and without the corrections that are needed for calculating GNP (Gross National Product).
3  Household consumption is not included in the calculation for total value added.
4  Greenhouse gases calculations include CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6.
5  Acidification precursor calculations include NOx, SO2 and NH3 emissions.
6  Ozone precursor calculations include NOx, NMVOC, CO and CH4 emissions.
7  Emissions for dwelling services are included in emissions from household consumption.
8  Last updated: Economic data 21 February 2008, Emissions data 12 February 2008.

Explanation of symbols