Statistics Norway

Museums and collections

4 Museums1 and collections. Visits, exhibitions and subjects, by number of visits. 2009
  Number of museums, total Visits Exhibitions Subjects
  Total Per cent Total Per cent Total Per cent
Visits, total  148 10 183 842  100.0 2 964  100.0 42 732 026  100.0
     -10 000 30  149 886 1.5  168 5.7  518 385 1.2
10 000-25 400 30  513 454 5.0  388 13.1 1 824 100 4.3
25 401-48 100 29 1 004 825 9.9  582 19.6 3 968 359 9.3
48 101-90 000 29 1 818 478 17.9  847 28.6 12 985 336 30.4
90 001- 30 6 697 199 65.8  979 33.0 23 435 846 54.8
1  The figures include the open museums.
Source: Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols