Statistics Norway

Museums and collections

4 Museums1 and collections. Visits, exhibitions and subjects, by number of visits. 2008
  Number of museums, total Visits Exhibitions Subjects
  Total Per cent Total Per cent Total Per cent
Visits, total  166 10 195 986  100.0 2 881  100.0 43 484 229  100.0
     -11 300 34  186 697 1.8  239 8.3  855 070 2.0
11 301-20 000 33  544 380 5.3  432 15.0 2 179 608 5.0
22 001-42 000 33 1 030 819 10.1  629 21.8 4 023 446 9.3
42 001-75 000 33 1 861 648 18.3  791 27.5 12 713 243 29.2
75 001- 33 6 572 442 64.5  790 27.4 23 712 862 54.5
1  The figures include the open museums.
Source: Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols