Statistics Norway

Museums and collections

4 Museums1 and collections. Visits, exhibitions and subjects, by number of visits. 2007
  Number of museums, total Visits Exhibitions Subjects
  Total Per cent Total Per cent Total Per cent
Visits, total  173 10 193 903  100.0 2 858  100.0 38 377 510  100.0
     -10 000 35  155 396 1.5  200 7.0 1 237 616 3.2
10 001-20 800 35  541 062 5.3  439 15.4 2 281 017 5.9
20 801-39 700 35 1 045 586 10.3  623 21.8 5 088 698 13.3
39 701-71 200 34 1 850 492 18.2  744 26.0 11 278 417 29.4
71201- 34 6 601 367 64.8  852 29.8 18 491 762 48.2
1  The figures include the open museums.
Source: Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols