Statistics Norway

Museums and collections

4   Museums1 and collections. Visits, exhibitions and subjects, by number of visits. 2006
  Number of museums, total Visits Exhibitions Subjects
  Total Per cent Total Per cent Total Per cent
Visits  175 9 330 587  100.0 2 737  100.0 35 103 293  100.0
     - 8 000 35  113 481 1,2  127 4,6  875 482 2,5
 8 001-18 400 35  441 505 4,7  440 16,1 2 673 370 7,6
18 401-32 500 35  885 255 9,5  621 22,7 2 990 212 8,5
32 501-63 000 35 1 618 453 17,3  827 30,2 10 264 588 29,2
63 001-63 300 35 6 271 893 67,2  722 26,4 18 299 641 52,1
1  The figures include the open museums.
Source: Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols