Statistics Norway

Museums and collections

4   Museums1 and collections. Visits, exhibitions and subjects, by number of visits. 2005
  Number of museums, total Visits Exhibitions Subjects
  Total Per cent Total Per cent Total Per cent Total Per cent
Total  188  100.0 9 060 639  100.0 2 658  100.0 34 297 470  100.0
       -    999 7 3.7 3 113 0.1 18 0.7 13 640 0.4
  1 000 -  9 999 44 23.4  224 048 2.5  265 10.0 1 633 652 4.8
 10 000 - 29 999 66 35.1 1 238 852 13.7 1 036 39.0 4 368 768 12.7
 30 000 - 99 999 50 26.6 2 677 526 29.4  921 34.7 15 028 030 43.8
100 000 -   21 11.2 4 927 483 54.4  418 15.7 13 253 380 38.6
1  The figures include the open museums.

Explanation of symbols