Statistics Norway

Museums and collections

4   Museums and collections. Visits and exhibitions, by visits. 2003 (Corrected 12.07.2004)
  Number of museums, total Per cent Visits Per cent Exhibitions Per cent
Total1  263  100.0 8 523 048 100.0 2 420  100.0
       -    999 16 6.1 8 477 0.1 67 2.8
  1 000 -  9 999 112 42.4  583 560 6.8  736 30.4
 10 000 - 29 999 68 25.8 1 275 295 15.0  744 30.7
 30 000 - 99 999 51 19.7 2 754 132 32.3  592 24.5
100 000 -   16 6.1 3 901 584 45.8  281 11.6
1  The figures include the open museums.
Source: Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols