Museums and collections

5   Museums and collections. Visits and exhibitions after visits. 2001
  Number of collections, total Per cent Visits Per cent Exhibitions Per cent
Total  521  100.0 8 535 245  100.0 3 083  100.0
Opne museer  508 97.5 8 535 245  100.0 3 068 99.5
Closed museums 13 2.5 -   15 0.5
-999  147 28.9 63 330 0.7  309 10.1
1 000-9 999  220 43.3  836 691 9.8 1 290 42.1
10 000-29 999 76 15.0 1 354 757 15.9  738 24.1
30 000- 99 999 49 9.6 2 503 730 29.3  518 16.9
100000- 16 3.1 3 776 737 44.2  213 6.9
1  The figures in the table includes the open museums.
Source: Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols