Statistics Norway

Emissions to air. POPs and heavy metals - national figures

1 Emissions to air of environmental hazardous substances1. 1990-2007. kg. Dioxins in g
  1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007
Total, PAH-total2  156 957  150 180  146 273  153 749  154 783  130 284
Process emissions from aluminium production 57 390 57 110 56 040 77 030 82 959 64 215
Fuelwood use 50 810 53 351 52 623 42 751 40 395 34 974
Road traffic 6 867 6 923 5 865 7 580 8 172 8 841
Solvents 12 896 9 426 7 077 9 492 8 023 7 649
Other sources 28 994 23 371 24 668 16 896 15 233 14 605
Lead, total  187 457 23 459 9 014 7 569 7 224 7 623
Process emissions from metal production 4 204 4 265 3 755 3 068 3 046 3 528
Air traffic 2 311 1 537 1 767 1 582 1 233 1 117
Wear of brake blocks, tyre wear 1 124 1 172 1 296 1 462 1 495 1 569
Road traffic, combustion  167 970 12 118  157  198  211  227
Combustion, manufacturing  730  914  720  619  570  402
Other sources 11 118 3 453 1 319  641  669  781
Mercury, total 1 506  877  756  697  647  691
Combustion, manufacturing 92 92 75 81 79 66
Road traffic 35 49 55 76 84 93
Waste incineration  168  120  102 79 79 82
Use of products  284 75 38 49 49 49
Process emissions, manufacture of metals  617  285  267  177  147  197
Other sources  309  256  219  235  210  204
Cadmium, total 1 112  985  690  545  600  557
Combustion, pulp and paper industry  121  138  115  122  123  117
Fuelwood use  106  109  119  133  132  121
Process emissions, manufacture of metals  457  391  170 82  138 97
Other sources  428  347  286  208  207  222
Copper, total 22 131 19 001 19 531 20 780 21 310 22 244
Road traffic: wear of brake blocks 7 203 7 203 8 386 9 280 9 611 10 174
Road traffic: exhaust 4 134 4 375 4 517 5 166 5 329 5 492
Wires for electric trains  905  943  992  994  997  992
Process emissions, manufacture of metals 4 791 2 826 2 329 1 900 1 900 2 280
Combustion, manufacturing 1 233 1 597 1 403 1 496 1 303 1 073
Other sources 3 866 2 057 1 904 1 943 2 171 2 234
Chromium, total 12 603 11 176 8 498 2 741 2 611 2 244
Process emissions, manufacture of metals 8 342 8 255 6 066  314  319  409
Process emissions, manufacture of chemicals 1 927  471  209  125  101 41
Combustion, manufacturing 1 273 1 697 1 446 1 432 1 148  715
Road traffic: road dust and tyre wear 43 48 53 56 58 58
Road traffic: exhaust  122  129  133  152  157  162
Other sources  897  575  591  663  827  858
Arsenic, total 3 144 2 947 2 439 1 470 1 320 1 629
Combustion, manufacturing  440  465  373  396  401  369
Fuelwood use  193  190  203  221  220  201
Manufacture of chemicals  626  664  711 21 20 21
Metal production 1 327 1 274  799  481  296  629
Other sources  557  354  353  353  384  409
Dioxins, total  129 70 34 24 24 23
Mines 51 37 0 0 0 0
Waste incineration and landfill gas 18 3 2 0 0 0
Fuelwood use 6 6 7 8 8 7
Process emissions, manufacture of metals 34 9 8 4 4 5
Other sources 20 15 17 12 11 11
1  Does not include international sea and air traffic.
2  PAH: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Source: Emission inventory from Statistics Norway and Norwegian Pollution Control Authority.

Explanation of symbols