Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Employees in wholesale and retail trade

1   Full-time employees in wholesale and retail trade1. Average monthly earnings, by division per 1 September 2004 and 2005. NOK and percentage change
Division Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Percentage change
2004 2005 2004 2005 2004-2005
          Per cent
Employees in wholesale and retail trade, total 88 100 80 900 28 100 29 300 4.4
Males, total 57 400 53 200 29 400 30 700 4.5
Females, total 30 800 27 800 25 000 25 800 3.4
Motor vehicle services, total 13 900 13 200 26 200 27 300 4.3
Males, total 12 100 11 400 26 600 27 800 4.7
Females, total 1 800 1 700 23 700 24 100 1.6
Wholesale trade, total 39 200 35 300 30 900 32 500 5.0
Males, total 29 600 27 200 31 900 33 400 4.6
Females, total 9 600 8 100 27 900 29 300 5.1
Retail trade, total 35 000 32 400 24 000 25 000 3.9
Males, total 15 600 14 500 25 500 26 700 4.5
Females, total 19 300 17 900 22 600 23 300 3.3
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.

Explanation of symbols