Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Wagesums according to the register of end of the year certificates

6   Disbursements of unemployment benefits by amount. 2003 and 2004
  Number of persons Total amount in mill. NOK Percentage change
  2003 2004 2003 2004 2003-2004
Total disbursements of unemployment benefits  223 123  188 160 10 975 10 938 -0.3
           1 -   4 999 NOK 35 798 13 951 91 39 -57.1
     5 000 -   9 999 NOK 23 134 14 857  170  111 -34.8
   10 000 -  24 999 NOK 39 990 34 999  675  600 -11.1
   25 000 -  49 999 NOK 42 516 41 152 1 553 1 507 -2.9
   50 000 -  99 999 NOK 45 757 46 006 3 287 3 306 0.6
 100 000 - 149 999 NOK 22 147 22 883 2 707 2 797 3.4
 150 000 NOK and above 13 781 14 312 2 493 2 577 3.4

Explanation of symbols