Wage statistics. Municipal and county municipal employees

2   Full-time employees in municipalities and county municipalities1. Average monthly earnings, by sex and occupational group2. 1 October 2000. Kroner
Sex and occupational group Employees covered by the census Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Salary according to scale Fixed additional allowances Variable additional allowances
Males and females, total  162 217 21 857 20 417  626  814  598
Of which            
Senior officials and managers 13 942 27 229 25 970  978  280  390
Professionals 30 608 27 578 24 020 2 471 1 088 1 038
Technicians and associated professionals 46 409 21 451 20 555 82  814  614
Clerks 11 609 18 370 18 199 38  133  249
Service workers and market sales workers 47 561 18 664 17 529  107 1 028  403
Craft workers 6 264 19 021 18 271  258  492  885
Machine operators and drivers etc. 2 097 19 686 18 085  502 1 100 1 323
Elementary occupations 3 031 17 140 16 818 42  280  230
Males, total 57 515 23 712 21 511 1 274  926  881
Of which            
Senior officials and managers 6 885 29 869 27 800 1 686  383  452
Professionals 12 395 31 193 25 509 4 370 1 314 1 489
Technicians and associated professionals 12 566 21 925 21 080  137  709  710
Clerks 1 387 19 293 18 790 88  416  531
Service workers and market sales workers 15 182 19 474 18 028  193 1 253  715
Craft workers 5 918 19 053 18 289  267  496  910
Machine operators and drivers etc. 1 988 19 800 18 148  521 1 131 1 376
Elementary occupations  600 17 338 16 782 60  496  343
Females, total  104 702 20 838 19 816  269  752  443
Of which            
Senior officials and managers 7 057 24 653 24 185  288  180  329
Professionals 18 213 25 118 23 006 1 178  934  731
Technicians and associated professionals 33 843 21 275 20 360 62  853  578
Clerks 10 222 18 244 18 118 31 95  211
Service workers and market sales workers 32 379 18 285 17 295 67  922  256
Craft workers  346 18 474 17 959  107  408  458
Elementary occupations 2 431 17 091 16 827 38  226  202
1  The figures are corrected.
2  NOS Standard Classification of Occupations.

Explanation of symbols