Wage statistics. Full-time employees

15   Full-time equivalents, part-time employees. Average monthly earnings1, by sex and section2 per 3rd quarter 1998. Kroner
Sex and section Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Males and females  326 138      18 497 17 486  931 80  185
Oil and gas extraction, mining  938 28 107 25 753 2 220  133 2 397
Manufacturing 9 387 18 665 18 208  308  149  346
Electricity, gas and water supply 1 245 19 332 18 948  370 14  418
Construction 1 576 18 841 18 498  190  153  134
Employees in wholesale and retail trade 43 947 16 093 15 652  280  161  206
Transport, storage and communication 3 919 19 791 18 702  861  228  352
Financing 6 297 20 773 20 441  104  229  407
Real estate, renting and business activities 14 193 17 454 17 197 98  160  172
Central government 31 583 19 583 18 774  809 0  376
Teaching staff, publicly maintained schools 30 792 21 072 20 547  526 0 8
Municipals and county municipals  171 383 18 928 17 087 1 841 0  127
Private education 1 497 22 206 22 033  171 2 48
Health and social work 6 764 18 202 17 359  791 53 99
Social and personal service activities 2 617 18 672 18 054  274  344  182
Males 49 468 19 343 18 353  878  112  337
Oil and gas extraction, mining  587 30 937 27 945 2 979 13 3 388
Manufacturing 2 268 20 046 19 285  560  201  621
Electricity, gas and water supply  334 22 270 21 736  510 24  782
Construction  485 19 862 19 578  199 85  272
Employees in wholesale and retail trade 9 111 16 119 15 471  419  228  362
Transport, storage and communication 1 732 20 685 19 278 1 222  184  372
Financing  387 22 888 22 660  115  113  287
Real estate, renting and business activities 3 693 17 836 17 525  169  141  186
Central government 7 232 20 939 19 649 1 290 0  469
Teaching staff, publicly maintained schools 7 044 21 819 21 035  785 0 20
Municipals and county municipals 14 657 20 248 17 960 2 288 0  245
Private education  511 24 672 24 423  248 1 23
Health and social work  771 19 352 18 530  793 29  152
Social and personal service activities  656 20 503 20 048  324  131  223
Females  276 670 18 337 17 323  941 74  157
Oil and gas extraction, mining  351 22 630 21 514  751  365  480
Manufacturing 7 119 18 293 17 918  240  135  272
Electricity, gas and water supply  911 17 980 17 665  306 9  250
Construction 1 091 18 343 17 972  185  186 66
Employees in wholesale and retail trade 34 836 16 086 15 698  245  144  167
Transport, storage and communication 2 187 19 287 18 376  658  253  342
Financing 5 910 20 666 20 329  103  234  413
Real estate, renting and business activities 10 500 17 322 17 083 73  166  167
Central government 24 351 19 275 18 576  700 0  355
Teaching staff, publicly maintained schools 23 748 20 887 20 426  461 0 5
Municipals and county municipals  156 726 18 828 17 020 1 807 0  118
Private education  986 20 778 20 649  127 2 62
Health and social work 5 993 18 092 17 247  790 55 94
Social and personal service activities 1 961 18 148 17 483  260  405  170
1  Salaries including irregular payments, bonuses, commission etc., excluding payment for overtime.
2  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
Source: Wage statistics, Statistics Norway.
More information:  http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/06/05/ .

Explanation of symbols