Wage statistics. Full-time employees

2   Full-time equivalents, all employees. Average monthly earnings, by sex and section1 per 3rd quarter 2001. Kroner
Sex and section Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Males and females 1 226 339      24 683 23 472  875  336  872
Oil and gas extraction, mining 21 634 38 002 32 299 4 945  758 3 177
Manufacturing  147 163 24 237 23 217  777  243 1 552
Electricity, gas and water supply 11 757 24 899 24 146  729 24 1 103
Construction 42 188 24 176 23 341  600  236  942
Employees in wholesale and retail trade  140 332 23 856 22 745  252  859  575
Hotels and restaurants 26 515 18 808 18 309  390  109  296
Transport, storage and communication2 81 698 25 241 23 955  881  405 1 027
Financing2 39 032 30 735 29 268  243 1 225  595
Real estate, renting and business activities 60 694 29 335 28 235  378  722 1 017
Central government  136 809 25 102 23 890 1 209 0  850
Teaching staff, publicly maintained schools 99 074 25 736 24 722 1 014 0 91
Municipals and county municipals  362 910 21 967 20 255 1 712 0  594
Private education 6 015 25 104 24 744  337 23  284
Health and social work 27 747 21 392 20 869  469 54  300
Social and personal service activities 22 771 25 649 25 001  408  240  722
Males  575 006 26 571 25 116  987  467 1 214
Oil and gas extraction, mining 17 281 39 514 33 144 5 552  818 3 498
Manufacturing  110 352 24 950 23 816  877  257 1 793
Electricity, gas and water supply 9 589 25 421 24 552  847 22 1 240
Construction 38 886 24 292 23 429  626  237  990
Employees in wholesale and retail trade 68 981 26 012 24 530  280 1 203  790
Hotels and restaurants 10 306 20 073 19 500  409  165  323
Transport, storage and communication2 52 867 26 243 24 754 1 031  459 1 228
Financing2 18 171 35 935 33 867  302 1 766  625
Real estate, renting and business activities 36 891 32 393 31 025  485  883 1 258
Central government 77 121 26 418 24 692 1 720 0 1 181
Teaching staff, publicly maintained schools 36 269 26 746 25 599 1 148 0  166
Municipals and county municipals 77 849 24 504 22 054 2 450 0 1 140
Private education 2 727 27 332 26 786  537 9  342
Health and social work 6 577 23 627 22 961  582 85  472
Social and personal service activities 11 139 27 518 26 746  540  232  958
Females  651 333 22 149 21 265  723  161  414
Oil and gas extraction, mining 4 353 31 801 28 835 2 452  514 1 858
Manufacturing 36 811 21 790 21 162  433  195  724
Electricity, gas and water supply 2 168 22 228 22 068  126 34  403
Construction 3 302 22 493 22 061  211  220  252
Employees in wholesale and retail trade 71 351 20 641 20 085  210  346  253
Hotels and restaurants 16 209 17 964 17 515  377 73  278
Transport, storage and communication2 28 831 22 623 21 868  490  265  502
Financing2 20 861 25 718 24 830  185  703  566
Real estate, renting and business activities 23 803 24 705 24 011  216  479  650
Central government 59 688 23 270 22 774  496 0  388
Teaching staff, publicly maintained schools 62 805 25 115 24 183  932 0 46
Municipals and county municipals  285 061 21 165 19 686 1 479 0  421
Private education 3 288 22 905 22 728  140 37  227
Health and social work 21 170 20 635 20 160  431 44  241
Social and personal service activities 11 632 23 550 23 042  261  248  456
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
2  Figures are not comparable with earlier years.
Source: Wage statistics, Statistics Norway.
More information:  http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/06/05/ .

Explanation of symbols