Wage statistics. Full-time employees

18   Full-time employees. Average monthly earnings1, by sex and age. 3 rd quarter 1998. Kroner
Sex and age group Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Males and females  706 385      22 263 21 321  655  287  853
- 24 years 44 169 16 585 15 902  557  126  739
25 - 29 years 86 035 19 753 18 901  591  261  948
30 - 34 years 96 960 21 824 20 833  651  340  972
35 - 39 years 92 601 23 300 22 221  697  381  950
40 - 44 years 98 049 23 731 22 674  736  321  914
45 - 49 years 99 261 23 760 22 766  699  295  830
50 - 54 years 97 271 23 784 22 844  666  274  764
55 - 59 years 58 690 23 513 22 647  637  229  679
60 - years 33 349 23 107 22 360  547  200  515
Males  434 093 23 418 22 269  788  362 1 053
- 24 years 28 606 16 923 16 137  649  137  901
25 - 29 years 50 857 20 269 19 262  690  317 1 200
30 - 34 years 60 904 22 474 21 295  764  415 1 206
35 - 39 years 58 355 24 414 23 108  826  479 1 169
40 - 44 years 59 119 25 318 23 996  900  422 1 130
45 - 49 years 58 715 25 512 24 256  867  389 1 035
50 - 54 years 59 167 25 494 24 309  830  354  931
55 - 59 years 36 604 25 104 24 025  781  297  828
60 - years 21 766 24 478 23 585  644  249  613
Females  272 292 19 977 19 446  392  139  455
- 24 years 15 563 15 832 15 379  351  102  378
25 - 29 years 35 178 18 822 18 248  414  161  492
30 - 34 years 36 056 20 464 19 867  413  184  482
35 - 39 years 34 246 20 926 20 330  422  174  482
40 - 44 years 38 930 20 685 20 135  422  128  498
45 - 49 years 40 546 20 615 20 090  398  127  462
50 - 54 years 38 104 20 508 20 039  350  120  445
55 - 59 years 22 086 20 312 19 873  346 93  379
60 - years 11 583 19 998 19 580  326 91  292
1  Salaries including irregular payments, bonuses, commission etc., excluding payment for overtime.
Source: Wage statistics, Statistics Norway.
More information:  http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/06/05/ .

Explanation of symbols