Wage statistics. Full-time employees

15   Full-time employees. Average monthly earnings1, by sex and age. 3 rd quarter 2001. Kroner
Sex and age group Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Males and females  794 724      25 634 24 423  831  379 1 027
-24 years 51 283 18 589 17 904  546  139  833
25 - 29 years 89 984 22 845 21 724  769  351 1 165
30 - 34 years  107 640 25 153 23 877  816  459 1 181
35 - 39 years  104 925 26 624 25 253  864  506 1 159
40 - 44 years  104 817 27 304 25 911  932  461 1 114
45 - 49 years  109 177 27 313 25 986  935  392 1 033
50 - 54 years  104 436 27 179 25 973  877  328  920
55 - 59 years 85 480 27 090 25 948  843  299  809
60- years 36 982 26 321 25 388  689  244  583
Males  483 974 26 937 25 493  975  469 1 278
-24 years 32 470 18 886 18 140  593  154 1 015
25 - 29 years 51 642 23 436 22 143  872  420 1 480
30 - 34 years 66 403 25 930 24 443  941  545 1 464
35 - 39 years 65 910 27 741 26 114 1 014  612 1 443
40 - 44 years 63 733 28 971 27 278 1 104  588 1 394
45 - 49 years 63 990 29 260 27 616 1 133  510 1 309
50 - 54 years 63 204 29 080 27 601 1 055  423 1 144
55 - 59 years 53 110 28 984 27 589 1 011  383  989
60- years 23 512 27 971 26 875  789  307  690
Females  310 750 23 134 22 372  556  206  546
-24 years 18 813 17 944 17 393  443  107  436
25 - 29 years 38 342 21 834 21 008  592  234  628
30 - 34 years 41 237 23 624 22 763  569  291  625
35 - 39 years 39 015 24 342 23 493  558  290  580
40 - 44 years 41 084 24 095 23 280  601  215  574
45 - 49 years 45 187 23 872 23 106  584  182  545
50 - 54 years 41 232 23 625 22 929  544  151  502
55 - 59 years 32 370 23 382 22 733  513  136  457
60- years 13 470 22 859 22 267  479  113  357
1  Salaries including irregular payments, bonuses, commission etc., excluding payment for overtime.
Source: Wage statistics, Statistics Norway.
More information:  http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/06/05/ .

Explanation of symbols