Statistics Norway

Public housing

1   Total number of municipal dwellings per 31.12.2005, by county and number of dwellings per 1 000 inhabitants, and share of adapted dwellings
  Total Owned by the municipality for rental Rented for subleasing Privately owned with municipal right of disposal Number of dwellings per 1 000 inhabitants Adapted dwellings for wheelchair users, prosent of all municipal dwellings
The whole country 94 239 79 005 4 179 11 055 20.3 37.3
01 Østfold 5 278 3 182  419 1 677 20.3 28.4
02 Akershus 6 961 6 112  210  639 13.9 37.5
03 Oslo 11 793 11 064  602  127 21.9 12.2
04 Hedmark 4 125 3 299 86  740 21.9 48.5
05 Oppland 4 207 3 484  150  573 23.0 44.3
06 Buskerud 5 063 3 163  351 1 549 20.6 48.8
07 Vestfold 5 296 3 743  125 1 428 23.8 32.6
08 Telemark 3 826 2 985  344  497 23.0 57.8
09 Aust-Agder 1 938 1 668  193 77 18.6 62.6
10 Vest-Agder 3 278 3 129 64 85 20.2 26.1
11 Rogaland 7 067 6 390  344  333 17.8 45.5
12 Hordaland 8 601 7 868  212  521 19.0 31.5
14 Sogn og Fjordane 1 914 1 839 34 41 17.9 54.0
15 Møre og Romsdal 5 037 4 373  125  539 20.6 55.7
16 Sør-Trøndelag 6 605 5 845  164  596 24.0 21.5
17 Nord-Trøndelag 3 386 3 127 79  180 26.3 48.6
18 Nordland 5 238 3 920  451  867 22.2 51.1
19 Troms Romsa 3 054 2 543  125  386 19.9 39.8
20 Finnmark Finnmárku 1 572 1 271  101  200 21.6 37.0

Explanation of symbols